Monday, September 21, 2009

Looking forward

It looks more important than ever that Canadians declare their support for the environment to our political parties. Watching Ottawa it is clear that the energy to change needs to come from the outside. Now we have the time to build that energy together and build the tools to channel it into effective political action. 

First, we need to remember that as Canadians,

1. We have the opportunity to build a clean energy economy that creates green jobs and provides a just transition for impacted communities while saving our environment.

2. We have the responsibility to go from global villain to global leader in international climate negotiations by committing to at least 25% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2020. 

3. We have to make this happen by getting together to tell our political parties what we want, and back our word up with action to reward parties that commit to strong action and punish parties that hold Canada back and destroy our future. 

Our first step is to gather people on our facebook page as we build a campaign website with the broader set of tools that we need. Once we have a solid gathering on facebook and solid tools to connect with people our campaign will shift to creative on and off-line actions to get more and more Canadians to declare their support for the environment. 

Declare your support by becoming a fan of the Declare your Support for the Environment facebook page.

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